Friday, 24 June 2011

Cybermummy for the less well organised

Well tomorrow is the big day. Cybermummy day. Until three days ago, I really haven't thought much about this. The rest of the blogosphere and twitter seems to be going slightly mad about what to wear and how to get there and where to stay and who to talk to. People have found sponsors for the day, are getting sponsored by companies to dress them, have sponsored car shares, hotels paid for, business cards made, parties planned including pre parties tonight. The excitement about it almost leads me to believe that most mummy bloggers don't get out much (well PTA meetings don't count).

On the other hand, I  plan on catching a train into London bright and early tomorrow morning. I'm going to wear flat shoes and a comfy dress. Fashion always losing over comfort in my book. I'll decide on the day which talks I want to listen to. I've arranged to meet three bloggers who I have been dying to meet in person for ages (MTJAM, Iota and Nicola). And there are several others who I hope to get to say hello to. I've also been invited to a party for expat mums (thank you Michelloui The American Resident). And then I'll make my way home.

I am excited about going - mainly because I'll get to meet the aforementioned bloggers and it's a day out in London without children (can't sniff at that). But I do feel as though I am going without a purpose. I'm not there in the capacity of a PR person given I've just sold my PR business. And I'm highly unlikely to become a blogger who actively seeks sponsorship or PR opps or tries to earn a living from it. Getting some more technical knowledge would be good and some writing advice is always welcome.  And the keynote by Sarah Brown is definitely worth going for.

Other than that, I'm agenda free. This makes me worry that I won't get the most out of it. And that I'll come home and wish I'd had a clearer agenda before I got there.

But I think I'm just going to treat it as a day out. Hopefully I'll learn something. Hopefully I'll get to meet some lovely people. Perhaps optimistically I'll be inspired to give my blog a makeover.

I did my Cybermummy meet and greet a while ago - here it is again. If you see me, say hello. You might find me hiding in the chill out room.


Someonesmrs said...

Love to Iota xxx

Home Office Mum said...

will do. Start blogging, then you too could come along to these heady events

Expat mum said...

I have nothing to sell and no real agenda either, so we can sit in a corner and chat while everyone else is running around selling stuff!

Home Office Mum said...

It's a date Expat mum - I assume you'll be at the expat party too?

Muddling Along said...

I'm also not in this for my blog to take over the world so will be taking things slowly and trying not to be overwhelmed by it (and I'm sitting out a few of the morning sessions to try and relax a bit - come and join me)

nappy valley girl said...

Right, I'm officially jealous now. You're all going to have such a good time. Give my love to everybody. x

Someonesmrs said...

I did write one blog. Decided it would take over my life, so I stopped... :-)

Iota said...

Very weird to read someonesmrs commenting on your blog. Real life crossover into virtual life.

Really great to meet you at CyberMummy.