Saturday, 28 May 2011

Please say hello to me at Cybermummy

On 25 June, I will be attending Cybermummy in London. This is a big fat get together of all the mummy (and daddy) bloggers out there to learn new things and meet each other in the flesh. Last year I couldn't go because it clashed with a weekend of fun with real life girlfriends who I chose to spend time with over those I only know virtually, as I explained in this post.

This year, I'm going to be there. I'd like to say with bells on. But I'll probably just sneak quietly in instead.

And I'm not going there with a PR hat on either. I am there 100% as a blogger. I don't know what to do with this blog. The blogging world seems to be getting bigger and more complicated and requiring so much more effort. You need a blog and a brand and a Facebook page and be all over twitter and work with PRs and take advertising and bling up the way your blog looks.

And I haven't done any of that. I'm on Twitter (for business mainly) and on Facebook to stay in touch with friends. And my blog still sports the same shite blogger background it had when I first started it.

I need to reassess what this blog is about, whether I want it to be more, or whether I'm happy with it exactly as it is. Because if I'm truthful, it's simply a place for me to empty my brain of thoughts, get words out and connect with other like minded people. Nothing fancier than that.

But who knows, maybe I'll come back from Cybermummy all raring to go. And I'll kick the whole thing up a notch!

Or not.

I'm also feeling a bit nervous about going as I've not been massively active in the blogosphere of late, what will possibly moving country and making big life decisions. I join in the odd meme. I haven't vlogged. And even the PR people have stopped asking me to do things for them (which I am actually very pleased about.)  Even though I'm sort of a blogging oldie, I've disappeared from sight and probably aren't known to that many people. And likewise, I've not kept up with all the new bloggers who've come to the fore of late. I wonder how many people I'll  know there full stop.

So if you're going to be there, and you see me, please say hi so that I don't look like Norman No Mates.

Real name: Melissa
Also known as: Home Office Mum
Real job: PR person in the parenting sector (but this will be changing soon)
Posts you might know me for: The one about Vajacials. The one about doing whale impersonations on live radio. The one where I said I didn't like my child (I'm over that now by the way). And I'm also the blogger you may remember as setting sail across the Atlantic.
Twitter: @peekaboocoms (for work) and @melissatalago (for blogging)
Likes: wine and apparently too much food, according to my bathroom scales. Walking. Girly chats. Sailing. Writing
Dislikes: Coriander (also known as the devil's herb). Hangovers.

Picture: This is tricky. I hate pictures of myself. I hate pictures of myself even more when I'm carrying about a stone of weight more than I should. And all the pictures of me seem to have sunglasses on, which doesn't do much to help me be recognisable at Cybermummy. Like this one.

So this is the best (most recent) I've got cropped out of another pic, so a bit hazy and rubbish really.  But hopefully is enough to make me recognisable on the day.

Let me know if you're going to be there and I'll keep an eye out for you.


Someonesmrs said...

I'm not gong to cybermummy but we maybe at cricket next week ;-)

Btw the top pic looks MUCH more like you and I thought you always wore sunglasses anyway?


Home Office Mum said...

You're not going to the cricket tournament tomorrow are you Someonesmrs? Because I've baked cranberry muffins for the occasion. And yes, I always wear sunglasses. It's the incredibly bright sun this country suffers from

Metropolitan Mum said...

Me, me, meeeeee! I am going to be there!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm going! I'll say hello :)

Nicola said...

I am going and I can't WAIT to see you x Hope we get to have a glass of wine together...I feel I know you already! Nxx

Home Office Mum said...

Metropolitan Mum - You're one of the few bloggers I've met before so yours will be a face I recognise :-)

Rosie - not sure if I've ever met you in RL but it would be lovely to do so!

Nicola - Meeting you will be my number one priority! Without being a stalker, before the day ends I will find you so that we can meet at last. I agree, I feel as though I know you too.

Michelloui | The American Resident said...

I'll be there and I would be very happy to say hello! Im with you on trying to sort out a blogger identity. I hope to find some sort of *something* at Cybermummy regarding my blog but also Im looking forward to just putting faces to names. :)

Iota said...

Definitely want to meet you at Cybermummy. Though I do love coriander. Still, takes all sorts, I suppose.

Sian To said...

I will be sure to say a very big HELLO!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, just as it is (but then I'm a nosey bugger) - please do not feel inferior re lack of backgroung change/PR advertising crap etc etc (all of which puts me off). Carry on, just as you are x

Home Office Mum said...

Michelloui - Please do find me and say hello.

Iota - see you at morning coffee!

Sian - I imagine you'll have your hands very full but it would be lovely to meet in person

Anonymous - thank you for your kind words